Sunday, February 27, 2011

Baked Kale Chips

One of the things I love most about springtime is going to the Farmers Market. We had uncharacteristically warm weather for February this past weekend which got me thinking about how much I love going to the Farmers Market, and perusing an infinite number of crates with fresh, local, and pesticide-free vegetables. Contrary to the fluke weather temperature, it is still winter time - thus - limited vegetable options. I did find some great looking Kale and remembered this recipe passed on to me by a friend. Now I'm passing it onto you! Enjoy!

3-4 individual Kale stalks, cutting the leaves off of it into bite-size pieces
Olive oil baking spray
1 Tbs seasoning of your choice - or just salt & pepper

What to do:
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
2. Spray a baking sheet with the cooking spray, then arrange the Kale pieces on the baking sheet
3. Spray the Kale pieces with a little more cooking spray, and sprinkle your seasoning on all pieces
4. Bake for 8 minutes

Pair with a dip, toss into a salad, or snack on as-is!