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Surrounding the hacienda we were staying in were lime trees - made for wonderfully fresh and delicious margaritas! I also came upon an interesting drink while perusing the market one weekend: Micheladas. It is essentially beer and tomato juice or hot sauce with chili powder on the rim of the glass. SO GOOD! You can see the process in the picture second from the top on the right side.
Pictured second from the left at the top is the incredible ice cream shop, Tepoznieves. They have the most outrageous, delicious, and totally original flavors including: Cantelope, Kiwi, Butter Raisin, Rice (yep!), even ice cream with granola and chopped fruit!
The food we ingested until our bellies ached was ridiculously fresh and REfreshing! Absolutely nothing like the "Mexican" food we have the in states, that's for sure. I had some of the most inventive and creative salad dressings that I can't wait to try out for summer salads, so stay tuned!